Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Naked Time --- 4 Down Lots to Go


Ok this is the last of the catching up on my blog episodes. Starting yesterday, I'm hoping to be more dedicated in my working out.

I was able to get my two year old daughter to come up to the work out room with Daddy so I can work out and watch her at the same time. Technology is fantastic! I let her lay on my Star Wars Wompa Skin Rug and watch The Backyardigens on my Ipad 2.

I enjoyed this episode a lot. It really let all the actors come out of their normal shell and kind of let loose. Spock crying....Kirk losing his cool...Sulu running naked with a sword... "Oh Myyy".

The women LOVE Spock. This episode it wasn't Uhura coming on to him, it was the Doctor's Assistant. She wanted Spock bad...and Spock...well...he just wants a woman but can't come out and admit it.

This is the first episode where Kirk smacks Spock in the face. I suspect not the last. Spock lays into Kirk as well which probably felt pretty good. Poor McCoy is the guy that really probably wants to lay into Kirk. Kirk abuses that poor man verbally.

I read somewhere that this was Sulu's favorite episode ever. Well duh! Like I said, he gets to run around the ship naked chasing men with his long pointy sword!

Joking aside, I really like Sulu. He's a good actor in this series. They all were in fact. This was a fun episode that everyone should watch...and only 1 guy dies!

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