Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mudd's Women --- 6 Down Lots to Go -- Star Trek Original Series


Did 20 minutes on the strider and then lifted weights. I think in the near future, I am going to do 25 minutes on the strider then lift weights.

I liked this episode because I love Harry Mudd! What a great character and name. Who wouldn't want to be named Harry Mudd?  hah!  Harry is basically a marriage broker who is transporting three beauty's out into space to find husbands. In my opinion there were only really 2 beauty's as the girl on the top left didn't do anything for me. 

For some reason Harry Mudd reminded me of the Spartacus Gladiator owner Lentulus Batiatus from the 1960 Spartacus version. See below, they even kind of look alike.

Turns out the girls are really somehow either ugly or not that good looking and have to take a Venus pill or something that makes them appear better looking to people. I'm all for that! I think some of our actors of today are even taking those already.

Kirk somehow damages the Enterprise by chasing Harry Mudds ship into an asteroid field. Pretty weak way to damage your ship in my opinion. The damaged crystals were messed up pretty easy compared to some thiungs I have seen the Enterprise go thru!

Anyway Mudd somehow gets the upper hand on Kirk by convincing some miners that Kirk was going to get new crystals from.... to hand over the women and Mudd for the crystals.

Some notes:

If I'm not mistaken, this is the first episode I have seen that no one has died!

Uhura has a terrible outfit on. Not her usual red outfit. Some drab brownish yellow one.

Yoeman Janice wasn't in this episode! I think this is the first one where she hasn't had some sort of part.

Still no sign of Chekov. Wonder where he is and when he will show up??

Ok feel free to follow me on Twitter @trekdiet   pass the blog on to your friends and click on the ads so I can recoup the cost of the website!  hah! Defintely have plans to work out tomorrow so will be updating my weight going into Saturday.

Live long and prosper! ( By eating right and working out. )

The Enemy Within -- 5 Down Lots to Go


Ok watched this one on Monday July 18th. Did 30 minutes on the strider and did crunches and some push ups. I REALLY need to get in the habit to update this blog immediately after I work out/watch a Star Trek or at least the next day.

As this is my first real blog, I think I will get better. Any advice?

Anyway as of Monday my weight hadn't changed much but I chalk that up to not trying as hard as I should. Have worked out twice this week and plan to do it today so it's getting better.

Kirk Really Having Problems
So this show was about a Transporter Malfuction that somehow splits the bad you and the good you into two different parts. That freaking transporter is soooo dangerous. I can completely understand why McCoy hates it.

The malfuntion occurs unfortunately while Sulu is on the planet below with 3 no name guys, and the temperature of the planet is rapidly going down. 170 degrees below zero is what they are saying it could get down to.

One of my first thoughts is why they didn't wear warmer clothes and take thicker blankets...but I guess you can't prepare for everything. The whole show poor Sulu keeps making jokes about freezing to death...but I think he may have been happy to have 3 guys to cuddle with...

Kirk is the first to get split into and his bad self goes roaming around the ship for alcohol and women.

(Come on, is that REALLY a bad self?)

He gravitates towards Janice...who I am still surprised at how much air time she is getting. He slips into her cabin rather easily. These doors to these rooms sometimes need better locks.

Kirk pretty much is about to rape the poor girl who doesn't know what to think. Fairly rough stuff and a little uncomfortable to watch!

It looked pretty real so it goes along what I have been saying, that the acting on this show has been fantastic. I expected it to be pretty cheesy when I started but has been far from it.

Anyway Spock and Scotty come up with some crazy idea about the transporter putting the two halves back together...and luckily test it on a dog first. I'm wondering why this transporter didn't just squish the two bodies together into some sort of mushed up creature...but it works.

Another good show. Keeps my mind off the working out.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Naked Time --- 4 Down Lots to Go


Ok this is the last of the catching up on my blog episodes. Starting yesterday, I'm hoping to be more dedicated in my working out.

I was able to get my two year old daughter to come up to the work out room with Daddy so I can work out and watch her at the same time. Technology is fantastic! I let her lay on my Star Wars Wompa Skin Rug and watch The Backyardigens on my Ipad 2.

I enjoyed this episode a lot. It really let all the actors come out of their normal shell and kind of let loose. Spock crying....Kirk losing his cool...Sulu running naked with a sword... "Oh Myyy".

The women LOVE Spock. This episode it wasn't Uhura coming on to him, it was the Doctor's Assistant. She wanted Spock bad...and Spock...well...he just wants a woman but can't come out and admit it.

This is the first episode where Kirk smacks Spock in the face. I suspect not the last. Spock lays into Kirk as well which probably felt pretty good. Poor McCoy is the guy that really probably wants to lay into Kirk. Kirk abuses that poor man verbally.

I read somewhere that this was Sulu's favorite episode ever. Well duh! Like I said, he gets to run around the ship naked chasing men with his long pointy sword!

Joking aside, I really like Sulu. He's a good actor in this series. They all were in fact. This was a fun episode that everyone should watch...and only 1 guy dies!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Where No Man Has Gone Before --- 3 Down Lots to Go


Again, I worked out and watched this one sometime last week, so don't remember exactly what I did. I have been alternating 30 minutes on the strider with sits up and push ups, and then the next day 20 minutes on the strider and weight lifting.

This was actually one of the Pilots that was done for Star Trek for NBC and then thrown in randomly as the series premiered. Spock looks funny and I hate all the turtle necks the crewman are wearing, plus a lot of the regulars are missing.

Kirk flies the Enterprise...rather wrecklessly in my opinion into some glowing lightning stuff called the barrier to the edge of the galxey...or something. ( Can you tell Im not a Trekie? )

This effects a couple of crew members, giving one guy God Like powers almost right off. He slowly learns to use his powers and starts to look at the Enterprise crew as bug like.

Spock wanted to kill the guy almost as quick as he had been infected. Remind me not to get sick around Spock!

The acting in this show amazes me. These Star Trek episodes acting has made the Falling Skies tv actors look like their first time on the stage. ( Acting in that show SUCKS! Except for Noah Wylie or whatever his name is. )

This was an overall good episode...though the ending was a bit cheesy in my opinion.

I hope to get back to blogging everyday next week and updating my weight better!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Charlie X --- 2 Down Lots to Go


Ok doing a blog about Star Trek and weight loss has turned out harder than I expected. I HAVE been halfway working out but fallen way behind on my blog. Hopefully I can do better.

The good news is that I am down to 183lbs so we may have progress here folks.

The 2nd show I watched was Charlie X. This show immediately reminded me of a Twilight Episode I saw about a young boy controling his family because he could pretty much do anything he wanted.  Anyone remember that episode? " You're a bad man! You're a very bad man! "

Then the little brat wished them off to the corn field or something.

Anyway this episode was very similar as Charlie X had been raised by aliens and given special powers. When he met humans for the first time, he didn't cope too well.

Not going to go into the whole show so let's get the highlights.

I caught Spock smiling again plus Uhura really trying to sex him up again. This gives extra credence to Spock and Uhura's relationship in the new Star Trek Movie.

I'm guessing that one will be one of the last I watch.

Charlie X is one skinny dude. I mean Skkiiiiiny. Apparently there were no cakes and candies on his planet. Kirk wasted no time in getting his shirt off around Charlie X. I think this hurt in helping Charlie X fit in...thats for sure.

All thru the show Kirk really seemed uncomfortable around Charlie X, trying to pawn him off on other people and REALLY strict with him. It worked for a while but I think in the end Kirk was about to get himself wished off into the corn field.

Speaking of cornfields, the guy you see above is officially the first red shirt guy to be killed as far as I can tell. Charlie sends him away after the guy laughs at him. Calling this guy a red shirt guy is a bit of a stretch in my opinion to be honest, as the red shirts were mostly security guys and this guy, Sam, just likes hanging out and watch other men get sweaty.

I remember this episode scaring me when I was little, especially when Charlie X turned some girl into a lizard and wished the face off another girl. Brutal!

I was surprised at how much the Star Trek babe Janice was in these first two episodes. Growing up I don't remember her playing such a large part. Maybe she will slowly fade to the back.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Man Trap ( A Good Start ) 1 Down Lots to Go


 Well "The Man Trap" starts out my Star Trek Marathon Diet. I was wondering why this episode would have been the first Star Trek ever, because it didn't really introduce anyone or give it a feel of introducing the series.

Turns out I was right, kind of.

This was the first episode aired by NBC but NOT the first episode ever produced. Weird. I wonder why they did that?

Anyway, it's the first episode on my Star Trek: The Original Series - Seasons 1-3 [Blu-ray]
so that's good enough for me.

As soon as the DVD started up, I really liked the Blue Ray plus the "new look" of the planets. Digitally remastered if you will.

I'm just going to touch on random things that stuck out in my mind and not go into the whole show. Go watch it!

The Show started out really bad for the disposable guy. We see 3 guys beaming down on to a planet. Only Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy were introduced. The other guy HAS to know something bads about to happen to him since he isn't even mentioned. ( He dies next 5 minutes. )

Kirk, McCoy and Disposable guy meet up with a real A-hole archeologist and his wife wanting to do a physical or something. This guy was a REAL JERK right off. Come on dude, be a little more friendly with the people bringing you supplies. Damn

Disposable guy leaves the room and goes outside along with the wife. A few minutes later we hear the wife screaming. I noticed right off how the husband doesn't run right out the door....kind of like he knew what was going on.

Sometime or another we are back up to the ship and we get introduced to Spock and Uhura talking. I thought it was kind of strange/wierd for the first conversation we ever hear from Uhura she is so...sexual.

She really sounded like she was coming on to Spock!  Spock pretty much didn't get it but he DOES slide his finger along his collar like he was getting a bit hot and bothered. You go girl!

A speaking part that stood out a little after this was something Kirk said to McCoy. McCoy thru the whole show was wooing over his ex-girlfriend which was the crazed Archeologists wife. McCoy was purring about her at one point and Kirk pointedly told him to "Stop thinking with your glands!"  Rude! But we sure know who the Captain is at this point!

I thought it was funny that Sulu was introduced as a lover of plants...and while they didn't say it, he seemed like maybe he ran the Botany department of the starship surrounded by flowers. "Oh My!"

One thing that bugged me the whole show, was how salt craved this monster thing was. I mean, it couldn't get it's fill of salt! It would have sucked on the whole crew the first day if it could. If that was the case, how in the world did the husband keep that thing fed on salt...when it appeared he only had little tablets. Hmm..

At one point Sulu found a dead guy in the middle of a corridor. When he went to feel the guys pulse, the "dead guy" blinked. Doh! Not so dead now are you... Things you notice in Blue Ray I suppose...

I believe that 4 guys died in this episode. NONE of them had on Red Shirts! I wonder if that's a record.

Ok down towards the end as the monster is trying to suck our Kirk's salt, McCoy took FOREVER to shoot the freaking thing. Look McCoy, when something like this:

has it's hands wrapped around my head. Shoot the monster you idiot!!

I really liked that monster costume. Being a collector of movie and tv props, this would be SWEET to own. My guess is it would be at least $10,000 though, which would be a but out of my range.

Well that's it. I think I am going to just point out things in the future episodes that stood out rather than reviewing the whole show. This one was entertaining but I think it could have moved a bit quicker.

How does everyone feel about this show? Like it? Don't Like it? Why or why not?

Oh yeah...the weight thing. I did 30 minutes on the strider and did some sit ups and VERY few push ups

Weight 183.8--   BMI 26.6